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In spite of research identifying that more and more of us are getting stressed out at work and would be keen to change our job given half a chance the reality is, in the long run, these short term fixes aren’t going to make you enjoy your work anymore.

Therefore, this Newsletter explores what you can practically do to put a smile on your face, a skip in your step and make the workplace a much happier place to be – for you and everyone else. 

Strategic HR – How to enjoy being a HR leader

1. HR leadership for many is a bit like a novice walking a tightrope over Victoria Falls – terrifying!  However, for others leadership is like skipping along the tight rope without a care in the world.  They take to the basics naturally and are eager to learn and improve; they are sure footed and happy to take calculated risks; they know their limits; they trust their own and others abilities and they smile all the way across the tightrope.

2. So if you are interested to explore how you can enjoy yourself more and find your work so much more rewarding then download How to enjoy being a HR Leader.

Measuring HR – How strong is your self-belief?

3. Part of your value to the business is to motivate, guide, and support the people around you.  As a HR professional motivating yourself and motivating others can be challenging as it demands that you practice what you preach; you are authentic and honest; your actions are inspired by doing what is best for the business; that you are strong enough to encourage challenge, contribution by all and individual accountability.  But, by getting this right, it will make your role that much easier and more rewarding. 

4. To test your level of motivation and conviction to follow it through try out this quick self assessment So how strong is my self-belief?

Practical HR – Looking to shift up the motivational gears?

5. “Am I really working the way I want to?”  HR professionals like anyone else across their organisation are prone to occasionally asking themselves this question – more often than not sparked by a sense of exhaustion or dissatisfaction.

6. If you have a creeping sensation that you’re not as fired up as you want to be and you want to do something about it download How to shift up the motivational gears.

Opinionated HR

7. HR is about celebration as well as hard work.  There are so many things that HR should be proud of and which should inspire others.  If you are looking to develop your HR voice and are looking for some inspiration go to our blogs where we are sure you will be tickled, challenged and made to think differently

Supporting HR

8. At CourageousHR we specialise in providing practical and ground breaking HR Training which will immediately make you better at your job. We are always updating and refining our training programmes so if you haven’t looked at what is on offer click HR Training to find out more.

Join the HR revolution and keep us in touch with what you are doing.


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