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The result of the evolution of the labor market is a factor to consider in the drawn in job offers is that in most cases what qualifications specified takes to play the vacancy (in such deals is required over the title), but there are other offers that specific training for the job that adequate educational background (are the kind of deals that require more than the candidate's experience) is considered more important.What works in favor of such degrees and provides immersion in the labor market, most are multipurpose and allow access to a variety of functions.

The requirements called for in the job are:

As regards languages: 80% of the job requires mastery of a foreign language. English is the language most valued, followed by French and German. The importance of language is higher if you want to access a position of responsibility. Today there is growing importance of languages as a differentiator because of the internationalization of markets.

As for postgraduate studies: It is especially valued for positions as director or manager and even to other places is not a prerequisite, however, it is well valued.

As for the computer level: Today the information society is moving through computerized and interconnected systems, making access to such documentation requiring minimal computer knowledge.

In terms of age: Logically, as the professional category is increased, an increase in the age occurs. However, it is interesting to see how to equivalent positions in different functional areas requires a different age. Employers prefer young business managers, with an age between 30 and 45 years; while director of administration for preferred candidates from 35-45 years.

Within this scale covering these factors we can most see in the publication of job offers is:

University Graduates

  • Fluent in English and, if possible, another language of the European Union.
  • An experience of 2 years minimum.
  • Work placements in companies valued above all in Europe.
  • Accustomed to using office tools.
  • Geographical mobility internationally.

But perhaps the most valued today because of its high efficiency for good organizational development skills are a set of so-called soft skills, which are included within Emotional Intelligence.

Emotional Intelligence is twice more important than technical skills or IQ determines the exact sciences skills, understanding and the ability of reflective analysis, spatial reasoning, verbal ability and mechanical skills. However, in the business world is beginning to consider and to value most so-called Emotional Intelligence that determines how we deal with ourselves and others.

The world of work is changing, and we cannot speak of a single profession, or work in the same company for life; Today we speak of "employability", which is the ability of a person to bring value to the organization, and this no longer comes only with an IQ of high level, it is necessary to develop an emotional quotient with qualities such as: perseverance, flexibility, optimism, perseverance, etc...

There are two distinctive factors in the labor market:

Today the labor market is changing and competitive.

To survive this, what every entrepreneur looking to survive, so you want your bottom line is positive.

For this reason, every entrepreneur who wants to make a profit and be immersed in this changing market, should develop a winning strategy that is beneficial to the survival of the company, therefore, you just need to have more active potential available to the person.This implies make the most of it, individually, and can apply it in an organization. A company or institution is composed of different departments, is structured in parts that form a whole, and for proper operation is necessary to run their departments, and of course the people who make it up, but more importantly, it is not functioning properly separately, but among them also, that this organization work as a team. To do this, entrepreneurs looking for a proper development of the people who make their staff, as they are the only ones who can steer the company to success.

For these 4 skills it means:

Empathy: Be sensitive to the feelings and concerns of others from their point of view, appreciating the difference in how others feel various situations, would see things as others see that. It is what is colloquially it says: take the place of the other.

Emotional expression: Capacity externalize feelings and share them with others.

Conflict Resolution: The ability to listen, analyze and reconcile points of view, taking into account the needs of others.

Assertiveness: Stating unapologetic, constructively and defend their own rights without trying to invade others, would make a constructive and not destructive criticism.

These skills are those that have to develop teamwork, are the skills that promote closeness and intimacy, and ultimately allow us to express our desires, concerns, open, direct and honest manner, taking into account the needs of others and reach mutually satisfactory agreements in the best possible conditions.

Author Bio:
Kate John is a Project Manager in UK Based writing firm which provide essay help to the students. Kate John completed her master in social welfare and society and writing her experience and facts from four years.