HR Charter for 21st Century Professionals
A call to HR professionals to become more courageous
The HR Courage to Lead & Act Charter is a call to HR Professionals to be seen, be heard, be involved, be controversial, be willing to take risks, be willing to break new ground, be challenging, be innovative, be risk takers, be supportive, be valuable. In essence, HR Professionals who sign up to this Charter want to be Courageous Leaders.
Taking the first steps
At CourageousHR we are passionate believers that HR needs to transform itself if it is to demonstrate its (so far unrealised) potential to create value and deliver strategic impact. Therefore, our ambition is that this HR Charter becomes the focal point and the rallying call to all HR Professionals who believe HR could do more and should do more.
- This HR Courage to Lead & Act Charter provides HR with a meeting place to explore, create and develop a transformative momentum so that we have a voice which is heard and which is reckoned with
- By signing up to this HR Charter, HR Professionals are making a commitment to not only try their best to live out this HR Charter but just as importantly to become actively involved in re-shaping the world of HR
To get involved and find out what this can mean for you, download our HR Charter for 21st Century HR Professionals below or join our CourageousHR Community to let your voice be heard.